Route 1 Espresso
Route 1 Espresso
Coffee Details
Full-City (Medium-Dark)Blend
Espresso is an art form. Ever-changing with an eye to unattainable perfection. This is just one bag on that winding journey. Fruity bite with a chocolatey finish, prepare with extreme caution and diligence. Enjoy straight up or in milk.
Found out about Mad Goat in the most unusual (for me way)….via Theeads interaction with Daniel Thompson about basketball. Had a great convo online, he mentioned his coffee and I ordered. Tried it today and it is amazingly, great flavor, crema and color. Love it. Will be buying more.
Never in a million years would I have found a local roaster from Danville, Illinois!
So amazingly good!!! The best coffee I've had since a local roastery in Indy closed. I finally decided it was time to buy an espresso machine because their espresso is so good! I order at least two bags a month!
Such great flavor I’ve honestly never had better coffee than this place! Order some and try it out yourself!
This is my all time favorite espresso. It’s smooth and has great depth. I even take it on vacation (within the US).
The espresso is the best I’ve ever had. I used to go out for coffee, but this is better than any coffee shop around me (I live near Chicago). If you like espresso, try it out you won’t be disappointed.